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Formaldehyde-free, Next Generation Smoothing
Retail Pricing Not Available
10 oz - CEZMPCLTR10Z Temporarily out of stock
Lasts Up to 10 Weeks
4 oz - CEZMPBLEX4Z In stock!
10 oz - CEZMPBLEX10Z In stock!
4 oz - CEZMPEXTR4Z In stock!
10 oz - CEZMPEXTR10Z Temporarily out of stock
Maximum Amount of Curl Reduction Possible
1 liter - 0DTRBR1L In stock!
16.9 oz - 0DTRBR.5L In stock!
Locks in color and prevents fading
8 oz - 0DCDCLS8 In stock!
Spray it on, seal it in!
8 oz - 0DTRXRP8 In stock!
Maximum Strength Keratin Smoothing Treatment
32 oz - 0DTRERC32 In stock!
16.9 oz - 0DTRERC16 In stock!
Maxiumum Strength
32 oz - 0DTRER32 In stock!
16 oz - 0DTRER16 In stock!
Amplifying Spray
8 oz - 0DTRKB8 In stock!
Zero Formaldehyde Keratin Smoothing System
32 oz - 0DTRPRP32 In stock!
16 oz - 0DTRPRP16 In stock!
Formerly Called Ultimate Blonde
1 liter - CZMPCLBLND33Z In stock!
4 oz - CZMPCLBLD10Z In stock!
For All Hair Types
1 liter - CZMPCLAS33Z In stock!
Smoothing Between Color Services
10 oz - CZMPEXBLD10Z In stock!
1 item - CEZKTSMTHBX Temporarily out of stock
Reduces Unwanted Warm Tones
4 oz - CEZMPBLND4Z In stock!
33 oz - CEZMPBLND33Z In stock!
10 oz - CEZMPBLND10Z Temporarily out of stock
Buy 3 10 oz at Liter Pricing
1 deal - CEZKTUBTRMT Temporarily out of stock