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    • Davines View - Demi Violet Amethyst
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      View - Demi Violet Amethyst - 2.02 oz

      View is Davines demi-permanent colour with acid pH, designed to meet all the needs of colourists. It ensures extreme shine of the hair fiber fully respecting the hair and strengthening it. 40 NUANCES AND 1 GLOSS: Does not modify natural melanins. Vanishes in 15-20 washes. Covers up to 50% of white hair. FEATURES AND BENEFITS: View is a versatile system, extremely easy to use. It can be applied both on dry (clean or dirty) or wet hair, without lifting natural melanins. Add tone to natural and previously bleached or lightened hair. Offer a shine enhancing service with the Gloss.

      Product Number: DVUCSVAME0
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